Friday, November 30, 2007

30 Nov 07

30 Nov 07
Today not so happy because of work… my manager promised me that they will increase my salary due to upgraded to management position….i thought they already fax the form to head office…..Today I got my pay slip, when I first look at it….i juz…anyway…wil have talk to my manager on next week….
Tomorrow is S.H.E live concert in Malaysia, is their last station….i am pretty sure that's going to be an awesome and fantastic concert….eventhough I won’t be there….
One of new item has added my TO DO list is : go for S.H.E live concert in future….have you not noticed…lately I’m a bit crazy about them….:)
Today is last day of November in 2007-30. Worked hard in the store, serving customer, putting up the Christmas decoration for the store which I thought the salesperson should have done it earlier not wait til Area manager come in tomorrow….well…good luck!!
Lately not very happy working there….as most of good people actually leaving or transferred to other store…..
Today I break my own record too…becos of my unhappy I went to woollies to buy chips…believe it or not….oh …..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monash University

This is taken in Monash University. Always in my mind before i come to Melbourne, as everyone know it.....Went there with my them around....eventhough we didn't finish visiting...due to bus ticket which only gave us 2 hours return...or else have to pay extra...yeah, is different compare with Sydney.

21 November 07

21 November 07

Today went to Tirsa’s place, we bought some ingredients for Laksa today…..after reached her house, start prepared the and there….take time…..finally after one and half hour…everything’s done….funny thing is we forgot to buy rice noodles which is second important ingredients for laksa….no worries….finally noodles substitute rice noodles….once we taste it…wow…it was great and tasty…J
Really…..not until u taste it!!!!!
After that, Tirsa made a chocolate butter cake….which is delicious too…..was watching movie after lunch….late noon, went to library returned booked….then off to train station….what a day!

20 November 07

20 November 07.

最近心情有點複雜,好久没写blog了…工作很忙,因爲圣诞节快到了再加上我剛剛提升為Customer Service Supervisor,工作份量自然增加,压力也只增无减….這樣也好,让我沒有多餘時間想其它….以后要在那裏發展,我其實也沒有答案…是不是很沒用呢?我知道我一定要回去一趟,要不然我沒有辦法工作,人在這裡,心在古晉……..不知道以后的路要怎么走….不過我相信自有上天的安排…Important is,我想要做我想做的…..
近期以來很喜歡S.H.E….是因爲他們彼此之間的默契,真的很值得我們学习…我希望大家可以做到…..Treasure every single moment that we had…no matter where…
在網上看到其他人留言给S.H.E“也不知道什麽时候才能实现,真不知道我见你们的第一面的那一秒会变成什麽样子,会不会高兴的疯掉,希望可以见到你们”如果有機會我也想去看S.H.E的LIVE concert….J 就好像我想回家那樣一樣……
Hmmm…time flies….everyday the same working routine……only different thing is we have to live happily everyday no matter what….rite? Lots of my colleague actually got transferred to other store due to promoted become manager…